There are numerous types of penalties in chapter five of the legal metrology act given below: 

  1. Penalty for failure to get model approved 

  1. Penalty for non-production of documents etc. 

  1. Penalty for transactions that contradict the standard weight or measure 

  1. Penalty on selling or manufacturing any non-standard weight or measure 

  1. Penalty in case of furnishing any false information 

  1. Penalty for the sale of non-standard packages 

  1. Penalty on the repairing, sale, etc. without license of weight or measure 

  1. Penalty for counterfeiting of seals, etc. 

  1. Penalty for verification that contradicts the act and rules of Legal Metrology. 

  1. Penalty for giving false information or false return 

  1. Penalty for obstructing director, controller, or legal metrology officer 

  1. Penalty for non-registration by an importer of weight or measure 

  1. Penalty for import of non-standard weight or measure 

  1. Penalty for contravention by government-approved test center 

  1. Penalty for rendering services by non-standard weight, number, or measure 

  1. Penalty for sale or delivery of commodities by non-standard weight or measure 

  1. Penalty for use of unverified weight or measure 

  1. Penalty for quoting or publishing nonstandard units 

  1. Penalty for making any transaction, contract, deal in contravention of the act or its prescribed standards 

  1. Penalty for alteration of weight and measure 

  1. Penalty for counterfeiting of seals etc. 

  1. Penalty for verification in contravention of the act 



Legal Metrology Act provides the specified penalties on the offenders who contradict the act and its standards. Some of the penalties are given below: 

  1. Any person whoever makes the use of non-standard weight or measure shall be punishable with a fine up to ₹25,000 and if the person commits a subsequent offense, then he shall be punishable with the imprisonment which may extend up to six months or both fine and imprisonment. 

  1. Any person being a manufacturer seller or importer who made any alteration in weight and measure shall be punishable with a fine up to ₹50,000 and in the case where he committed an offense subsequently then he shall be punishable with the imprisonment for not less than six months which may extend up to one year a shall be liable with both fine and imprisonment. 

  1. Any manufacturer or seller who manufactures or sales the non-standard weight or measure shall be punishable with a fine which may extend up to ₹20,000 and if such manufacturer or seller commit the subsequent offense then he shall be punishable with the imprisonment which may extend up to three years, or both fine and imprisonment. 

  1. Any person who makes any deal, transaction, or contract which contradicts the prescribed standard of the act such person shall be punishable with a fine up to rupees 10,000, and if such person commits the subsequent offense, then he shall be punishable with the imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or both fine and imprisonment 

  1. Any person whoever publishes any non-standard unit he shall be punishable with the fine which may extend up to 10,000 rupees and in case he commits the subsequent offense then such person shall be punishable with an imprisonment which may extend up to one year or he shall be punishable with both fine and imprisonment. 

  1. Any person who ever manufacture, import, distribute, deliver, sale, transfer, for sale any pre-packed commodity he shall be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees 25,000 and if he commits the subsequent offense then the person shall be punishable with fine which may extend up to ₹50,000 and then in case of again, he commits subsequent offense then he shall be punishable with fine, not less than ₹50,000 which may also extend to rupees 1 lac, or both imprisonment and fine.

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