What is not allowed on the Declarations under Legal Metrology?


What is not allowed on the Declarations under Legal Metrology?


There are lots of declarations under legal metrology which play an important role and the same has been discussed by us earlier as well. In this article, we are going to discuss some important points and facts which are not allowed on the declaration made and which are important for every manufacturer, packer, importer, and dealer of the legal metrology packaged commodity rules to comply with.

What are the Changes which are not allowed on the Declarations?

Many dealers, the manufacturer have been found guilty of making the changes in the declaration on the packages to earn wrongful gain and to harm the interest of the consumer. By considering such a situation and to stop such acts, the legal metrology department has specified that no person is allowed to make such changes to the declaration of packages and if anyone is found guilty to do so, he will be liable to get punished with fine, imprisonment, or both. Below we have discussed the things which are not allowed to be done by any manufacturer, packer, seller, importer, or dealer of the commodity. (Read also: What are the advantages of the Legal Metrology Act?)

Putting the Sticker on the Declaration

  • It is not allowed to put any sticker on the declaration made on the packages, or
  • Put over any of the marketing that is prescribed under the legal metrology rules.

Delivering Less Quantity to Consumer

That if anyone delivers less quantity to the consumer it is a violation of provisions of the legal metrology act and rules and is a punishable offense.

Charge more than MRP

No trader can charge more than MRP. It'll be an offense and he will be prosecuted in a court of law.

Sticker on the Printed MRP

No Packer, trader, or manufacturer can paste any sticker on the printed MRP. If any person does so, he will be charged with a heavy fine. (Read also: Legal Metrology Transaction & Protection)

Manner of Declaration to be made on the package

There is a particular manner of declaration to be made on the package such as: 

  • The declaration on the package disclosing the MRP or the amount charged in rupees, such declaration shall be made on the area of the display of at least 40% of the total area on the package. On the other 40% of the total area should have all these declarations.
  • The size of letters should be double on small packs, and 
  • The size of a letter should be 1.5 times on bigger packs so the font size is bigger and the consumer can read the net quantity.
  • Checking is more scientific and barcoding has to also be there but it is voluntary.

Complaint by a Consumer under Legal Metrology

The act provides for a mechanism to redress consumer preferences if a violation by a trader takes place the consumer may proceed to file a complaint 

  • at the first nodal officer or 
  • legal metrology at the state or 
  • The unitary with the following information: 
  • Complete address
  • Phone number
  • E-mail of trader
  • Name of commodity and
  • Quantity purchase
  • Proof of purchase
  • You need to have your bill and invoice
  • Serial Number of Rating scale used for being if shopkeeper refuses to give the details Photograph of the shop.

Where a Consumer can File a Complaint?

Product purchase will also be provided and uploaded with the company and required now that it is in the first state. In the second stage, which we called as the second tier the consumer can file a complaint at the district forum.

  • Under the Consumer Protection Act, every district has a jurisdiction to take complaints of up to 20 lakhs.
  • Complaints can be filed with state commissions where complaints up to Rs. One crore.
  • Complaints amounting to more than Rs. One Crore can be filed with the National Commission.

Legal Metrology for Consumer

  • This is what the legal metrology act provides. It provides for the basic understanding of a consumer what type of weights and measures he needs to look at when he is buying a product. 
  • It tells about the basic information that the consumer should see on the package of the commodity.
  • The act tells in case of fraud where a consumer can file a complaint and where he should go and give the information to the legal metrology officer at the local level.
  • It provides you the way to go and file a complaint under the consumer protection right.

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